Delgaz Grid to invest 4.3 million Euro in the modernization of the Vicov transformation station, Suceava County

Delgaz Grid attracted European funds worth 2.4 million Euro from the European Regional Development Fund REACT-EU for a total investment of 4.3 million Euro in Suceava County.
The Vicov transformation station (110 / 20kV) will be modernized by replacing high and medium voltage equipment and integrating them into SCADA (remote data control and acquisition). Also, the 110 kV Vicov – Rădăuți power line will be modernized over a length of 17 km and new connections will be made between Vicov, Rădăuți and Egger to increase supply safety.
The main objectives of the works are to take over the energy produced from renewable resources in safe conditions of SEN (National Energy System) operation, reduce own technological consumption (CPT), improve the performance indicators of the electricity distribution service, respectively the technical quality parameters. of distributed energy and continuity indicators in the power supply.
The quality of the distribution service will be improved for about 18,000 connected users.

At this moment, Delgaz Grid has in different stages of implementation 8 projects, worth about 205 million RON (about 41.9 million Euro) without VAT, with co-financing of 152 million RON (about 31.1 million Euro).
Three projects, which involve the modernization to take over the electricity produced from renewable resources of three transformer stations in Iasi County, five transformer stations in Vaslui County, two in Botoșani County and one in Suceava County are currently in different phases of implementation.
Two other projects, aimed at modernizing the distribution network and installing 10,000 smart meters for consumers, are underway in the municipalities of Iasi and Suceava.
Also, two European-funded projects are being implemented, one of which pursues the digital skills of staff, and the other aims at cyber security objectives.