PWN Romania’s mentoring program it is preparing for a new stage of development

One of the most popular programs developed by PWN Romania is the Mentoring Program, which has reached its 9th edition this year. He managed to coagulate around him a dynamic and involved community of over 450 mentees and over 350 mentors.
Moreover, according to our evaluations at the end of each edition of the program, the degree of satisfaction of those involved and the fulfillment of the objectives with which they set out exceeds 80%. Three years ago, the foundations were laid for an important element for the development of this project globally.
Three City-Networks have teamed up to create a set of Mentoring Program Good Practice Manuals dedicated to mentors, mentees and group-mentoring sessions. Thus, Romania, Lisbon and Frankfurt have worked in the last three years to improve the Manuals, based on the experience gained in carrying out the Program. In addition, they were disseminated throughout the PWN Global network, so that the feedback received from all City-Networks is centralized in the final, publishable version of the 3 Manuals of the Mentoring Program.
“Since this year, the Mentoring Pillar has added a new project to complete the Program, it is about group-mentoring sessions, on topics of interest reported by the community. Standardization is now becoming the next step in the maturation of this program, which has also gained great popularity in Romania. We are proud that our branch was able to participate in this initiative, all the more so as our Mentoring Program has gained a privileged position among the other City-Networks. ” – Ileana Botez, President of Professional Women’s Network Romania.
“The Mentoring program has grown a lot and organically in the last 10 years. The last edition, completed with group-mentoring sessions was very appreciated by the participants. The program offers unique opportunities for inter-company mentoring, so it has enjoyed real success, and with its development, was born the idea of creating a Handbook, in which to gather the conclusions of our experience so far and to benefit the entire network. ”- Paula Bușe, VP Mentoring.
The 9th edition of the Mentoring Program ends this month, and it will be celebrated on July 12, in a traditional event for PWN Romania – the annual Garden Party. On this occasion we will also mark the end of the third edition of the Women on Boards Academy and the eighth edition of the Entrepreneur Kit.
PWN Romania is a non-governmental, non-profit association, based on volunteering, whose mission is to support the rise of women in leadership positions in order to accelerate the gender balance in leadership structures. The PWN Romania community brings together approximately 200 members in management or entrepreneurial positions in over 20 industries, as well as over 600 women in the extended community of the Association. Among the objectives of PWN Romania are the development of women’s professional potential, the support of entrepreneurs and aspirants to entrepreneurship and the economic empowerment of women, equal opportunities and diversity in the management structures of companies.
The main programs of PWN Romania include since 2013 a Mentoring program dedicated to women at the beginning of their careers or in mid-management positions, an entrepreneurship education program “Toolkit for Entrepreneurs”, started in 2014 and unique programs in 2016 that offer women career a structured training for accessing a position in the boards of directors developed by the “Academy of Women in Boards of Directors”. Founded in 2011, PWN Romania is part of PWN Global, a network in which it is developing at a fast pace, exceeding over 3,500 members and volunteers in over 30 cities around the world.