Florin Spătaru, Minister of Economy: Cupru Min will receive over 43 million lei for investments

Minister Florin Spătaru was on a working visit to Cupru Min, one of the companies subordinated to the Ministry of Economy, for a technical discussion with the representatives of copper mining in Alba county and for the on-site visit of the objectives where investments are scheduled.
“Today you can see the results of the visit I made to Cupru Min, 4 months ago, when I spoke with the company’s management about the need for investments in technology, but also about works to raise the tailing pond dam. For these investments, more than 43 million lei will be allocated, which represents 50% dividends, so that the investment projects will be started as quickly as possible”, said Minister Spătaru.

The Ministry of Economy initiated a memorandum, in accordance with the updated Government Ordinance no. 64/2001, regarding the distribution of profit to national companies, national companies and commercial companies with full or majority state capital, which promotes that Societatea Cupru Min SA benefit from a percentage of 50% payments to the state budget, representing dividends from the profit made in 2021, to ensure the own source of investment financing and production support.
“I will promote the memorandum for the distribution of 50% of the profit at the next Government meeting, and as soon as possible, we will also approve the Government Decision so that the money can be invested according to the management plan. One of the most important projects foreseen in the plan is to increase the storage capacity of the Valea Șesei settling pond, so that the storage of flotation tailings is ensured in compliance with environmental regulations. I have also conveyed to the leadership of the Cupru Min that I am waiting for it at the Ministry of Economy with a waste recovery plan, an essential stage in an integrated process of exploitation”, added Minister of Economy Florin Spătaru, who is visiting Cupru Min.

The management plan of Cupru Min foresees a series of investment projects, such as discovery works, drilling, demolition, excavation and transport of sterile ore to the dump, works to raise the Valea Șesei tailing pond dam from the level of 705 mdM to the level of 710 mdM, works for the modernization of electrical installations, the design, purchase, installation and commissioning of a new flotation line to process a quantity of approx. 500-600 t/h, with a technological efficiency of at least 82% and the purchase of high-capacity machinery for exploitation of the copper quarry. During the working visit, in Alba county, marking 45 years of Copper Min activity, the Minister of Economy Florin Spătaru also visited the Mining Museum Roman Galleries from Roșia Montană.