AHK Romania announces the finalists of the business excellence competition

12 projects initiated and developed by eight companies and a foundation, members of the Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Romania) were shortlisted in the competition organized by AHK Romania to reward outstanding business results.
The list can be consulted on the www.ahkawards.ro website.
The winners will be announced during the AHK Anniversary Gala – 20 years in Romania, which will take place on September 1 at the Parliament Palace.
The 8 companies are: Albis Plastic, Bayer, Dräxlmaier Automotive, Bosch Group in Romania, E.ON Romania, Lidl Romania, BCR, Clariant Products Ro and Fundația Bosch Romania.
Albis Plastic remained in the “Business Excellence” category, for the innovation brought in plastic processing; Bayer, for the successful implementation of advanced digital marketing techniques; Dräxlmaier Automative, for the upgrades made in the field of e-Mobility, which allowed it to become a high-tech component and battery factory in two years.
In the “Our employees – our success” category, Bosch Group Romania qualified with two projects: one for the initiation of a cooperation program with universities to train new generations, the other for the first training program for employees with the role of lead. Dräxlmaier Automotive also entered this category, with its initiative to create a transparent and digitized system for the development and management of employee skills.
The third category of the competition is “Responsibility for the future”, in which E.ON Romania was selected, for the implementation of a CSR program regarding lighting in schools using the LED system, the Bosch Romania Foundation, for the initiative EduCare for improving access to education for children from underprivileged groups and Lidl Romania, for the “With clean waters” project, an initiative to collect plastic from the Danube River.
The “Innovation and New Technologies” category recognizes the merits of the companies Bayer, for the implementation of the digital transformation project in the agricultural field (farms); BCR, for the creation of the entrepreneurial innovation center – “InovX-BCR Accelerator” and Clariant Products Ro , for the production of advanced biofuels from agricultural residues, to contribute to the decarbonisation of the transport sector
“We are celebrating 20 years of uninterrupted presence in Romania, 20 years of success in promoting bilateral economic relations between Germany and Romania. We believe that it is the right moment to reward the successful Romanian-German initiatives that contribute to the sustainable development of business in this country. The ten members of the jury had a difficult task, not only due to the large number of submitted projects, but also due to their quality. Differentiation was difficult, the projects being, many of them, exceptional. This, in turn, shows how valuable, sustainable and technologically advanced the Romanian-German business community is here in Romania. An excellent basis for the further dynamic development of bilateral relations. We thank all the participants for their involvement, we congratulate them for their achievements and we were happy to have them with us at the anniversary Gala on September 1”, said Sebastian Metz, General Manager and member of the Board of Directors of AHK Romania.
It is the first year when AHK Romania grants bilateral awards that recognize and promote the efforts and results obtained by companies or their projects in the current economic context. The 12 finalist projects were selected from a total of 68 applications, by a jury made up of businessmen, journalists, representatives of civil society and the university environment, together with AHK Romania.