Aquila posts net profit of 32 million RON, up 74 percent in the first half of the year

Aquila, market leader in the sector of integrated distribution and logistics services, recorded a net profit of 32 million RON on June 30, 2022, up 74 percent compared to the result recorded in the first half of last year. The acquisition of the Trigor company, from the first half of 2021, contributed 3.4 million RON to Aquila’s profitability, respectively 2.5 million RON more than the same period of the previous year, according to the consolidated results related to the first semester.
The company’s revenues registered a consistent increase in the first half of the year and reached 961 million lei, with an advance of approximately 90 million RON compared to the January-June period of 2021. The main drivers of the evolution are represented by the increase in distribution revenues and from the acquisition of Trigor, which had an impact of 35 million RON, in the same period.
“Despite a start to the year with a significant unpredictable component and visible accents of instability, we continue our strongly positive evolution with a new semester of growth. Distribution revenues were up 11 percent in the first six months, mainly focused on the acquisition of Trigor in 2021 and the continued development of the distribution business, with a focus on each of the Retail segments. The GasStation (gas stations) and Horeca components saw substantial growth of 14 percent, while logistics and transport services also saw an acceleration of 1.4 percent. In the meantime, we will continue our business expansion strategy, according to the plan conceived last year, when we listed Aquila on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, and in line with the evolution of the local market”, says Catalin Vasile, CEO of Aquila.