Egis to provide project management for protection of Romanian coastline against erosion

Egis signed a new contract in Romania to provide Project management services for “Reducing Coastal Erosion, Phase II (2014-2020)” With Dobrogea-Litoral Water Basin Administration.
This coastal protection project is a 2nd phase of the Romania’s action plan to protect its Black Sea shoreline against erosion caused both by anthropic and natural phenomena, that have significantly impacted the coast over the years and continue to do so.
Shores are reducing at a rapid pace, as several comprehensive studies revealed annual losses with decays of up to 2 m per year in some areas. The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve alone has lost more than 2,400 ha (about 80 ha / year) over the last 35 years. This erosion affects the coastline ecosystems and causes losses of valuable land with dramatical social and economic impacts.
The practical actions to prevent the on-going degradation are considered along a 30km area, from Edighiol and Periboina sluices, through Mamaia, Tomis, Agigea, Eforie, Costinesti, Olimp, Jupiter-Neptun, Balta Mangalia-Venus-Aurora, Mangalia-Saturn up to 2 Mai. Actions consist of construction of submerged protection structures, coastal revetments, beach extensions and remodelling, along with implementation of an integrated program to support long-term operation and maintenance and environment monitoring.
The project is co-financed under the Large Infrastructure Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period, contributing to objectives relevant to “promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management”. The expected project benefits are related to revitalisation of the Danube Delta and marine ecosystems, safeguard of social and economic activities and protection of historical sites along the Black Sea, improve beach recreational areas.
“To deliver this important contract, Egis will involve a combination of Romanian and international expertise bringing together our substantial local experience in the management of important infrastructure projects, with our internationally recognised experience in coastal protection projects”, said Georgiana Baroncea, Manager of the water and environment department at Egis in Romania.