Nuclearelectrica appoints Marian Serban as deputy general manager

Nuclearelectrica announces that, as of September 1, 2022, the position of Deputy Operations General Manager will be occupied by Marian Serban.
The position will be filled based on an Individual Employment Contract according to the organizational structure of SNN approved by Decision of the Board of Directors, being under the direct coordination of the General Manager of SNN.
The position of Deputy Operations General Manager involves the coordination of activities in the areas of operations, production, independent nuclear safety assessment, fuel, safety, management systems and process analysis.
Marian Serban is a graduate of the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest and holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management. He has 38 years of experience in the nuclear industry out of which 34 years at Cernavoda NPP and 4 years as WANO London Global Centre Director, Industry Strategy. In his 34 years of experience at Cernavoda NPP, Marian Serban has been engineer and nuclear safety supervisor, Deputy General Manager and General Manager for the commissioning of Unit 1, Cernavoda NPP, Unit 1 Plant Manager, Cernavoda NPP Manager, Deputy General Manager of SN Nuclearelectrica SA.
Marian Serban has expertise in operation, nuclear safety and management of nuclear facilities and extensive operational experience in the nuclear industry gained through direct involvement in numerous international organizations: International Atomic Energy Agency, Candu Owner’s Group, World Association of Nuclear Operators, Institute of Nuclear Power Operations.