E.ON Romania has published its sustainability report for 2021

E.ON companies in Romania contributed, last year, to supporting the local economy through collaborations with over 900 direct suppliers, respectively with approximately 2,300 suppliers of products and services along the entire supply chain. The amount of payments made to them was around one billion RON, according to E.ON’s sustainability report.
The amount does not include the value of electricity and natural gas purchases, intended for the approximately 3.4 million customers in Romania. In 2021, 56 percent of new suppliers were also selected based on environmental criteria, up 5 percent from the previous year.
“Through the scope of our local activities, we support companies and jobs in Romania. At the same time, we are responsible for promoting sustainable development in the external environment. Therefore, we expect that our partners also meet the appropriate standards for ESG (environmental, social, governance) performance, including respect for human rights”, says Volker Raffel, the general director of the E.ON Romania Group.
E.ON was also last year one of the largest contributors to Romania’s state budget, with a total value of over 1 billion RON in taxes and fees, which means a 24 percent increase in contributions from the year 2020.
In the 16 years of its presence in Romania, the taxes paid by the E.ON group to the state budget exceeded 11.8 billion RON.
“In 2021 alone, we invested 644 million RON, 24 percent more than the previous year and almost double the investments made in 2019. Our investments in networks are vital for the transition to green energy and, at the same time, bring noticeable, tangible improvements in the quality of service to customers,” added Volker Raffel.
The number of prosumers connected to Delgaz Grid networks increased 25 times compared to the previous year, reaching 1,675 at the end of 2021.