Tinmar Energy reacts to recent ‘untrue’ news headlines

“Regarding the articles in the mass media from the last period, with erroneous information, likely to misinform the public opinion with the obvious purpose of denigrating the image of the Tinmar Energy company, including resorting to interference in the private life of the CEO of the company and the spreading of defamatory information to his address, we consider it mandatory to clarify some aspects related to the activity of the Tinmar Energy company in order to correctly inform the readers:
We will continue to provide brief information about what was written in the press recently to prove the lack of professionalism of the author of this article and those who circulated this message without verifying the veracity of the information transmitted.
Many trusts / mass media agencies took over the fake news launched by dcnews.ro in the public space, without even asking for a point of view from our society. It is unfortunate that journalists with experience and reputation and media trusts of trust, use their reputation for an article that lacks competence and professional ethics.
First of all, we want to assure our consumers that Tinmar Energy has NOT unilaterally terminated any contract dated September 16, 2022, and no consumer in the portfolio will be left without a supplier / electricity as some news agencies have misinterpreted.
Sensational headlines such as: “100,000 customers remain without a supplier”, “Tinmar submits the license to ANRE”, “Tinmar Bankruptcy” manufactured to increase the number of readers or to denigrate the image and name of our company are totally erroneous and obviously malicious. This information is untrue, offensive, and absurd and aims to discredit the activity of our company.
All contracts concluded by the Tinmar Energy company were concluded in compliance with the conditions and terms imposed by the relevant legislation. The company has signed contracts with both private and public law persons. The contracts concluded with institutions of the Romanian state were signed following public tender processes in which other market players had the opportunity and participated.
Tenders for the appointment of the supplier of electricity and/or natural gas are organized periodically by public institutions and the winners are appointed according to the price offered and the fulfillment of the criteria in the specifications. The auctions, the conditions and the winners of the auctions are public information.
Regarding the company’s turnover and profit, they come from several business branches in which the Tinmar company operates: electricity supply, natural gas supply, petroleum products trading, agricultural products trading.
The increase in turnover and profit in the last year is on the one hand the result of the organic growth in each business branch in the 21 years of existence and on the other hand it is due to the increase in the transaction value for each product unit. It is well known that from year to year, the price of energy products has increased several times, which is why the turnover has also increased at the same rate.”