Dragos Tohanean, vice-president of ADR: “We want to integrate new services into the Ghiseul.ro platform”

The Ghiseul.ro platform is in continuous development and the integration of new solutions is being analysed, such as the release of the criminal record, open banking services or payment of road taxes, said Dragos Tohanean, the vice-president of the Authority for the Digitization of Romania (ADR).
“The concept of smart cities has several supporting pillars, built from sectors such as industry, transport, health, energy, government. All are closely related to education.
The Authority for the Digitization of Romania (ADR) is in close contact with the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization and with partners from the public and private sectors, it tries to understand good practices from the private sector to improve collaboration with citizens. A good example is the Ghişeul.ro platform, which, due to the pandemic, has greatly increased in the number of users, respectively in the number of public institutions enrolled with the payment of fees and taxes,” Dragos Tohanean, vice-president ADR said during Smart Transformation Forum organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“Ghiseul.ro is a platform in continuous development. At the initiative of Minister Burduja, solutions are being analyzed for integrating the criminal record into the platform. There are discussions with different partners to bring this topic online. In parallel, we are also developing the segment with a focus on mobile applications. We are in the testing phase, and we have a very good collaboration with the private sector, with our partners. These are just a few projects that go in this direction.
ADR’s mission is to be close to citizens, to see what the needs are and through joint inter-ministerial or inter-authority analysis to find the best solutions to digitize different services, whether we are talking about legislative projects or projects implemented at the level of citizens.
In future projects, aspects of life will also be considered. In the end, we want to identify including the concept of a smart city, and Ghiseul.ro is a good basis for starting this journey, but the continuous development of the automatic platform will facilitate a much better collaboration between citizens and the public institution, either central or local. Within the ADR, we have also started discussions with operators from the private economic environment for open banking services, solutions to integrate including the payment of the road tax or certain taxes in the automotive environment.”
Full recording of the conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x-6UL914eE&t=67s