Octavian Epure, Ministry of Investments and European Projects: “PNRR is a blessing for Romania”

“PNRR contains 15 components, has 64 reforms, 107 investments and 507 milestones and targets, the latter being quantitative and qualitative indicators. Regardless of the PNRR results, the most important aspect is the reforms we must implement. 1.88 billion euros were allocated for digital transformation, and the Ministry of Research must implement 4 reforms and 19 investments. At this moment, the ministry has 9 guidelines and 6 state aid schemes,” Octavian Epure, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Investments and European Projects said during Smart Transformation Forum organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
At the end of May, we submitted the first payment request in the amount of 3 billion, containing 21 milestones and targets, related to the year 2021.
The European Commission made a positive assessment, and Romania will receive 2.6 billion euros.
On September 6, the closing session of the audit mission was held for the following payment request, in the amount of 3.2 billion: 51 milestones carried out in Q1 and Q2 2022. Of the 31 milestones and targets included in the sample, 22 have were considered fulfilled, for the rest recommendations will be made. By the end of the month, the recommendations must be implemented, and the other milestones must be completed.
A smart city must use technology to offer citizens and economic operators high quality services.
The government cloud will be a database with all central public authorities. We plan for 8.5 million citizens to have electronic identity cards and electronic signatures.
The 64 reforms included in the PNRR are the biggest win for Romania. PNRR is a blessing for Romania, but I believe that a collective effort is needed to educate citizens and authorities not only from a digital perspective.”
Full recording of the conference: