Laurentiu Urluescu, AFEER: “Ordinance 119 will destroy the energy market in Romania”

The new Ordinance 119/2022, intended to govern the energy market, was made without real consultation of the participants in the sector and will destroy the energy market in Romania, said Laurentiu Urluescu, president of AFEER.
“The new ordinance caused the commercial blocking of cross-border energy transactions and has a devastating impact on the country’s energy balance.
Ordinance 119 induces additional costs for market operators and leads to a decrease in market liquidity.
The provisions of this ordinance create a high risk of financial blockage in the energy sector in Romania.
The increase in taxes strongly affects energy producers. In addition, the energy trading activity will die in Romania because of this ordinance 119,” Urluescu explained during a press conference.
AFEER, established in 2006, currently includes a number of 38 members, suppliers and traders licensed and active on the electricity and/or natural gas market, which ensure the supply of energy both to natural consumers and to SMEs and consumers from all categories of economic agents operating in Romania, with a market share of about 90% of the final consumption of electricity and 65% of the final consumption of natural gas.