Dan Vatajelu, president ARI: “When we talk about smart city, we must think about future-proof solutions”

“Replacing classic light bulbs with LED bulbs is a smart action from the energy saving perspective. But many people only stop at that level. This is where the education component comes in, which we consider extremely important.
Smart means a concern for the wellbeing of people; people must be at the center of attention. People need light, and artificial light must be correct, without wasting energy.
Light means safety, comfort, concern for the environment, means concern for the use of resources. Artificial lighting is the most visible form of energy consumption,” Dan Vatajelu, CEO Flash Lighting Services & president of ARI (Romanian Lightning Association) said during Smart Transformation Forum organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“There have been several stages of evolution regarding energy efficiency. Between 1998-2005, large cities such as Cluj, Brasov, Iasi or Constanta invested in public lighting systems with lower consumption. The current technological wave means the transition to new technologies such as LED lighting. We are living a revolution; the transformation is permanent.
When we talk about smart city, we must think about future-proof solutions, which can be updated over time. Smart means digitization, bi-directional communication, transparent data to be accessed by those who need it, the possibility of lighting control, waste reduction systems.”
Full recording of the conference: