Filip & Company assists EVERGENT Investments in the acquisition of MWARE Solutions

Filip & Company law firm assists Evergent Investments, a financial investment company with solid experience on the Romanian market, in the acquisition of a significant shareholding in the Romanian software producer MWARE Solutions, a company specialized in Big Data, unstructured data, artificial intelligence and digitalisation solutions.
“Despite the impact of the health crisis, the geopolitical risks and the inflationary pressures, the local software industry is making its mark on the development of the economy and turning Romania into a regional hub, having one of the fastest growth rates. Evergent is a dynamic and innovative investment fund, and this new acquisition opens new opportunities in a booming sector. We are very grateful for their trust and for the opportunity to support their continued growth and development efforts”, said Monica Statescu, Partner at Filip & Company.
The Filip & Company team involved in this transaction was coordinated by Monica Statescu (partner) and included Rareș Crismaru (asssociate) and Monica Popa (associate) on corporate matters, Bianca Chera (senior associate) and Marius Gheldiu (associate) on IP matters, Alexandra Dunareanu (associate) on data protection and Catalin Suliman (partner) and Roxana Rosca (associate) on regulatory matters.