Colin Lovering, BRCC: “We need to get people engaged in the strategy of the business”

“Employers have been accommodating hybrid working lately and business strategies have started to change. One of the opportunities with this hybrid working is to look at your business model, but also look at your people. I am a firm believer in people are best at what they enjoy doing most. There are a lot of people in our organizations who are doing something that are not really inspired to do” Colin Lovering, Chairman of the British Romanian Chamber of Commerce said during Workplace of the Future conference organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“This hybrid working model is an opportunity to change the business strategy and tap into that talent you were not aware of it was there in the first place.
From the employee’s perspective, I think there is still an ambiguous world of not knowing what is right in terms of working model, but I think it has forced employees into a more short-term thinking of their careers rather than seeing an organization as a long-term career.
We need to get people engaged in the strategy of the business, not just asking them to make a decision or accommodating them on hybrid working. Get them involved in the strategy and then you will find that there will be people who are comfortable to come to the office every day.”
Full recording of the conference: