The Bucharest Chamber of Commerce – CCIB awarded the excellence in business at the Top Companies Gala event

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the City of Bucharest (CCIB) organized within the Carol I Hall the 29th edition of the TOP COMPANIES FROM BUCHAREST, a traditional event dedicated to the Bucharest-based most dynamic and solid business community.
The award ceremony was attended by managers of the best performing Bucharest companies, members of the Government, representatives of non-governmental organizations and the mass media. Among the personalities who honored the invitation of the Bucharest Chamber were: University Prof. Dr. Emil Constantinescu, former President of Romania; Gabriel Bunduc, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Transport; Toni Greblă, Prefect of the Capital; Corneliu Cârstea, Deputy General Secretary in the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MAT), co-president of the Romanian Export Council, Mihai Daraban, President of the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIR); Ovidiu Silaghi, Secretary General of the National Chamber; Radu Hanga, President of the Bucharest Stock Exchange; Mihai Ionescu, President of the National Association of Exporters and Importers from Romania, co-president of the Export Council; University Professor Dr. Robert Aurelian Șova, President of CECCAR, University Professor Dr. Dorel Paraschiv, Vice Chancellor of the Academy of Economic Studies.

Among the 156,777 companies with headquarters in the Capital, which submitted the balance sheet for 2021, 56,760 companies met the eligibility criteria, an increase of 15.6% compared to the previous year, and 7,251 companies were awarded (+4.2%, compared to the previous edition), within seven sections: services, trade, industry, construction, research-development and high-tech, tourism and agriculture.
“I note with joy that the degree of performance and efficiency of the awarded Bucharest companies has increased significantly. Thus, their cumulative turnover increased by 15% compared to the previous edition, reaching 96 billion euros, while the operating profit, in the amount of 9.6 billion euros, is higher by 31% compared to the one recorded last year. I would also like to point out that the business environment of the Capital is a stable one, given the fact that 820 companies, i.e. 11.3% of the total awardees, qualified to receive the TROPHY OF EXCELLENCE for the ranking, for five consecutive years, on the first three positions of our Top”, declared the President of the Bucharest Chamber, Iuliu Stocklosa, at the opening.
“The economy works on the basis of trust: in business people, in financial institutions and in state institutions. Without trust, we will not be able to strengthen this development index that we have”, said the University Professor. Dr. Emil Constantinescu, former President of Romania. On this occasion, President Constantinescu also launched an exhortation to support research and higher education, as a solution for a sustainable development of the Romanian economy.

Also at the opening of the Gala, the CCIR president spoke about the strong polarization of the Romanian economy, pointing out the fact that 0.55% of the total number of companies that submitted their balance sheets this year achieve 65% of the turnover at the level of the entire country. At the same time, Mihai Daraban emphasized the need to reduce the trade balance deficit. “I think we need to focus on attracting investments in the production of consumer goods and reducing dependence on imports,” said Mihai Daraban.
Corneliu Cârstea, deputy general secretary in the MAT, invited the companies present to access the Ministry’s programs, among which he mentioned: Start-Up, Femeia-Manager, those promoting exports and incoming.