ALRO Group welcomes the Government’s decision to compensate indirect emissions costs embedded in the energy price

ALRO, one of the largest vertically integrated aluminium producers in Europe, measured by production capacity, welcomes the adoption of the Emergency Ordinance on compensating the indirect emissions costs embedded in the electricity price. The support scheme was prepared in accordance with the provisions of the European Commission Guidelines on certain State aid measures in the context of the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme post-2021 and targeted the sectors exposed to a real risk of relocation of CO2 emissions due to the significant indirect costs embedded in the energy price.
“The adoption of the EO is a normal step towards levelling the field between Romanian companies and their competitors in the EU that benefit from the provisions of the European Commission Guidelines as early as March this year. We would like to express our thanks to the Romanian Government for the efforts done in the implementation of this scheme both at the European level and at the national level. Given the steep costs with electricity that brought many companies close to shutting down and forced others to reduce their activity significantly, this is a welcomed decision that needs swift operationalization”, said Marian Nastase, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ALRO. “The electricity costs impacted our activity more and more over the past years, reaching unsustainable levels over the past year. However, we took all possible measures to mitigate the costs and continue our business, invest in critical equipment, and maintain our market share locally and internationally. We believe this EO is an acknowledgement of both the importance of industrial companies for the Romanian economy and the efforts of those companies to continue their activity despite the several crises we went through over the past years”, added Marian Nastase.