How energy consumption is billed for September

In the context of numerous legislative changes, occurring at short intervals, reading the electricity or natural gas bill can be a challenge. Household consumers of Enel Energie and Enel Energie Muntenia all over the country must know, first of all, that they benefit, according to the eligibility criteria, from the new provisions regarding the capping of the final prices billed for electricity and natural gas, applicable from September 1 2022, according to Emergency Ordinance no. 119/2022 (GEO 119/2022). Even if, in the public space, the modification of the various measures to protect the end consumers of energy is currently being discussed, the provisions of GEO 119/2022 are the ones based on which Enel suppliers are currently billing the energy consumption achieved starting from September 2022.
How is the price on the electricity bill calculated?
GEO 119/2022 provides for two levels of consumption, depending on which capping categories are defined, based on the average monthly consumption achieved at the place of consumption in 2021.
Category 1: the average monthly consumption/place of consumption achieved in 2021 was between 0-100 kWh inclusive. In this case, household consumers benefit from a ceiling on the final price billed for electricity of a maximum of 0.68 lei/kWh, including VAT.
Category 2: the average monthly consumption/place of consumption achieved in 2021 was between 100.01 – 300 kwh. In this case, for a monthly consumption that is a maximum of 255 kWh, the final capped price of a maximum of 0.8 lei/kWh, including VAT, is paid, and the consumption that exceeds 255 kWh is invoiced either at the price in the supply contract of to each consumer, either as a sum between the energy purchase component, the supply component and the regulated tariffs (the lower price of the two, therefore the most advantageous for the final energy consumer, is applied).
The final billed price provided for the above categories also applies to the consumption places of domestic customers connected starting from January 1, 2022 or for domestic customers who have no history with the supplier in 2021, by referring to the monthly consumption achieved.
How do you find out what your average monthly consumption is in 2021?
Enel Energie and Enel Energie Muntenia customers can find this information right on their bill, on page 3.
How is the price on the natural gas bill calculated?
As in the case of electricity consumption, the provisions of GEO 119/2022 apply to the invoicing of natural gas consumption by household consumers in September. For natural gas, regardless of consumption during the billing period, a final price of a maximum of 0.31 lei/kWh, including VAT, will be billed.
How does the support scheme apply to bills that include longer consumption periods?
Support schemes, including capping, are calculated for each billing period according to the contract in force. So, in the case of a regularization bill, for example, which would cover a period of consumption longer than the billing period, where two or more types of support schemes were applicable, the consumer who meets the eligibility criteria benefits from the provisions them for each separate billing period, at the price it had in the supply contract on that date, not at the price in the supply contract in force on the date of issuance of the regularization invoice.
What are the types of readings based on which the supplier bills a certain amount of energy consumed in a month?
For issuing an electricity bill, the supplier has several options, according to the law. These options are, in order of priority:
- Reading by the distribution operator (regulation)
- Self-reading (the index sent by the client)
- Consumer agreement (agreed with the customer)
- Estimation of distribution operator
General specifications regarding the regularizations:
– regularization type invoice is issued only for the actual consumption of electricity, recorded in a certain time interval;
– electricity consumption in the regularization bill is calculated based on the index read/transmitted by the customer (self-reading) and/or by the representatives of the distribution operator, or by telereading, for smart meters that have this technical capability.
How to make sure that there are no differences between the consumption billed in each month/invoicing period and regularization?
In order to avoid the differences between actual and estimated consumption in the absence of read indices, household consumers can transmit the index in the allocated period. This period is mentioned for each Enel Energie or Enel Energie Muntenia customer on the competitive market invoice, on page 3. In this way, it will be possible to issue invoices that reflect the actual consumption of each consumer.
It is equally important to allow access to the meter to the representatives of the distribution operators, where the measuring device is located within the premises of the place of consumption.
How can you check the invoiced values?
To check the values included on the invoice, customers of Enel suppliers can read the information on page 3 of it, having information about the invoiced period, the quantity consumed, the price, the average monthly consumption from 2021 and others.
How can you contact Enel suppliers?
Customers have at their disposal an entire digital ecosystem of interaction, designed to accompany them throughout their experience with Enel companies. Thus, customers can receive the electronic invoice for electricity or natural gas, as soon as it has been issued: in the MyEnel application (which can be easily activated either online, on, or by downloading it to your mobile phone from the App Store, Google Play and directly on Huawei phones), by email or SMS, or you can choose to download a copy of the invoice here.
In MyEnel, customers can also pay their bills, register their index or check their payment balance, among other useful functions. In addition, they also have access to a virtual assistant that, at the moment, offers support for six types of self-care operations that meet the most frequent requests: current balance, confirmation of a payment, non-receipt of the invoice, activation of the invoice electronics, how to obtain a copy of the invoice, zero balance certificate.
All Enel suppliers’ contact details can be found here.