Georgiana Andrei, Regina Maria: “Just like wellbeing, ESG needs to become part of a company’s strategy”

“A recent study made on our request measured some aspects of the emotional health of Romanians. We created two samples, one for the subscribers of Regina Maria network, and the other for people all over the country.
Think of subscribers of Regina Maria as people who usually work in larger companies, representative sample for the corporate sector. The satisfaction of the subscribers with their job was twice higher than the average at country level. 50 percent of people said they are satisfied with their job,” Georgiana Andrei, Corporate Sales Director, Regina Maria said during People Empowering Business Forum organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“Another study showed that 25 percent of Romanians are thinking of changing their jobs in the next year. An important number of these people were thinking about changing the field of their activity, not only finding a different employer, but completely changing the field.
Quiet quitting is a very complicated phenomenon for companies. You can see the resignation of an employee, but it’s harder to identify those colleagues experiencing the quiet quitting. There are different tools but you should mainly listen to your employees.
Just like wellbeing, ESG needs to become part of a company’s strategy. Now there are more and more resources to be able to measure that and how to apply it. For health and safety there is a new standard that says that a company well run is a company that measures and handles psychosocial risks. This is a trend and it’s probably here to stay.”
Full recording of the conference: