Gina Cruceru, Rompetrol: “Leaders need to inspire the people in their team”

“Both leadership and followership are intertwined, interconnected. To be a leader means to build a community, means to have followers. It also means the capacity to create a vision, to establish a mission and build the infrastructure to reach that vision, but also means the capacity of leaders to create the necessary emotions, to take their time to know everyone in the team and to make sure that, at the end of the day, somebody is following them,” Gina Cruceru, Group HR Director, Rompetrol said during People Empowering Business Forum organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“It’s very important for leaders to be aware of the way they talk, act, and the way they communicate to others. This contributes to the level of energy of their followers.
Even if our organization has a dynamic workforce, where we have representatives from different generations of the labour market, different cultures and nationalities which we must accommodate and embrace, it’s very important for the leaders to be aware of the specific characteristics of each generation or each profession and to take their time to know each person in the team.
If you know how to activate the necessary emotions like gratitude, joy, pleasure for work, then that person will have a higher contribution to the vision and to the company results.
The full-time working from home model, at least from a logical perspective, doesn’t make full sense. From my perspective, leadership is not only in the perimeter of the job, but a broader concept. Leaders are special people; they are doing their best in their field. They are not always successful, but at least they are trying their best.
Leaders need to inspire the people in their team. Education is a critical pillar of our organization because we want to grow our people today to become the leaders of tomorrow. Leadership means authenticity.
We need more individual leadership. We all know it’s difficult to have great leaders. We have few great leaders in Romania, but I think it’s a global situation.”
Full recording of the conference: