Mihaela Robu, ACCA: “More and more people are interested in reskilling or upskilling”

“Companies and HR people understand that we need to be equipped with long-life learning, we need to be prepared to learn and change several jobs during our professional lives.
After the pandemic, people realized that they needed to be more empowered, and they needed to take ownership of their professional development,” Mihaela Robu, Business Development Manager, ACCA Southern Europe said during People Empowering Business Forum organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“More and more people are interested in reskilling or upskilling. I was reading a report about UK HR people and last year 25 percent of them changed their jobs. The main motivation mentioned in the report was the need to upskill themselves or reskill themselves.
People take more and more ownership of their upskilling. Of course, there are costs related to training your staff, but I don’t think that companies would find out that these costs are higher than the costs to hire someone new.
I’ve seen many people taking courageous shifts in their professional lives. Some of them gave up the traditional way of working and started even new ways of living. There is also an important segment of employees which are just waiting for something to happen and then take a decision.
We have to implement some strategies and trainings regarding diversity and inclusion in Romania, because we don’t have to take into consideration only the fact that people might be judgemental or have biases. We simply might have problems interacting with other colleagues or clients simply which are different just because we don’t understand, and we don’t know how they are built to react in a certain situation based on their nationality or background.
Full recording of the conference: