Catalin Roman, Kinstellar: “There is a project at EU level on the employees’ right to disconnect”

“There are some legal implications in all HR-related activities and regarding the overtime at work, the employers and HR departments must keep an eye on making sure that employees are not burning out or they are observing the legal provisions related to the overtime.
There is a project at EU level on the employees’ right to disconnect. There are a lot of discussions stating that the employees have the right to disconnect after working hours. Many European countries like France, Italy, Belgium have already implemented the right to disconnect of the employees,” Catalin Roman, Senior Associate, Kinstellar said during People Empowering Business Forum organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“Regarding reskilling and upskilling, there were some recent legal changes in Romania. The employers now have the obligation to comprise in the employment agreements the qualifications for professional trainings of the employees. Also, the employees now have the right to ask the employer for more favourable workplace conditions. If you have an opening in your company, you must answer to that request of your employee and come with objective arguments for not providing him with those positions.
HR can come with great ideas for the employees, and I would like to help them implement those ideas in a legal way as an employment lawyer. For that, we need to make the legislator aware of the market needs.”
Full recording of the conference: