Why is it good to transmit monthly the self-read index?

Even if you are protected today against rising energy prices, it is important to constantly monitor your actual consumption and find out how you can reduce your costs, and the first step to better control your energy costs is to monitor your monthly index and transmit it to your supplier. Transmitting your self-read index gives you the advantage of being charged according to your actual metered energy consumption, as well as other benefits:
You only pay for the energy you use
If you transmit the self-read index monthly during the period assigned to self-reading, you will only see the amount of energy you consume on your bill. This avoids billing on the basis of consumption history, which in some cases is no longer in line with current consumption habits.
You have control over your energy consumption and can adopt efficiency measures
By self-reading the meter, you can get an idea of how much energy you use each month and, if you want to save money, you can take steps to make your consumption more efficient. Whether you replace incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs or choose to replace the appliances with new generation ones, you can monitor your energy savings by self-reading the meter.
Avoid high settlement invoices for energy consumption
The settlement invoice is the invoice issued for your place of consumption following the meter reading by the area distribution operator. In order to avoid settlement invoices reflecting higher actual consumption than that estimated and invoiced up to the time of settlement, we encourage you to submit your monthly self-read index for the period shown on the invoice.
Which is the energy price invoiced based on the index transmission?
The electricity price invoiced shall be the price in the commercial offer valid on the date of consumption registration. In the case of settlement invoices too, no matter how long the period of consumption included in the invoice, the supplier will respect the price of the commercial offer valid at the date of consumption registration. However, for the entire period of validity of GEO 27/2022, as amended and supplemented by GEO 119/2022, the invoice issued will reflect a capped price of electricity and natural gas, provided that the place of consumption in question falls within the consumption caps provided for by law.
How to transmit the self-read index
Electrica Furnizare provides you with a free service for the communication of the self-read index through the Call Centre on 0800 800 048, the period for the communication of the index being mentioned in your energy invoice. The self-read index can also be transmitted via the MyElectrica App or using the chat bot function available on the website electricafurnizare.ro.