IGSU, E.ON and Delgaz Grid celebrate 10 years of partnership

More than 10 million Romanians were directly involved in information and risk prevention actions through 40,000 activities carried out by the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU), in partnership with E.ON and Delgaz Grid, in the last ten years .
At the same time, every year, approximately 5 million people were the beneficiaries of the campaigns carried out through all information channels, within the “Together for Safety” partnership. The value of the investments in this project already amounts to 8.85 million euros.
The need for awareness and education campaigns regarding risk avoidance is also confirmed by the results of an IRES survey, carried out at the request of IGSU. According to the survey, 83% of respondents state that they want more information about how to act in emergency situations. Regarding the risk situations on which a possible communication campaign should be focused, the most cited emergency situations are house fire (62%), children’s safety (43%) and earthquake (34%).
Approximately 6,500 house fires took place, on average, annually in Romania in the last ten years, according to IGSU data, because of which 5,905 victims were registered, of which 2,025 died. Most incidents usually take place in the cold season, when, against the background of low temperatures, there is an increase in the number of household fires, and the elderly and children are the main victims.
The main causes of fires in the last ten years are the use of faulty or unclean chimneys (31%), faulty or improvised electrical installations (23%) and faulty, improvised, or unattended heating means (12%). Gas leaks were another cause of emergency situations, so that in the last 10 years, 800 incidents were registered at the national level, because of which 210 people were injured and 40 died.
“During the ten years of partnership, we have managed to put into practice a series of extraordinary initiatives and, by joining forces, we have given people the information they need to be able to prevent dangerous situations. The results are visible, the incidents of carbon monoxide poisoning and explosions in our company’s area of activity have halved. Of great importance, in addition to the information campaigns, were the investments made since entering the Romanian market, of around 2 billion euros, of which 1.5 billion euros in the natural gas and electricity distribution network,” said Volker Raffel, CEO E.ON Romania.