Future Energy Leaders (FEL) Romania organizes the 3rd edition of the “Women in Energy” conference on December 6

Future Energy Leaders (FEL) Romania, the youth program of the Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council (CNR-CME), organizes the 3rd edition of the “Women in Energy” conference on December 6, 2022, at 5 p.m. -21.00, at the Palace of the Parliament, “Nicolae Bălcescu” room
During the event, held under the high patronage of the Chamber of Deputies – Commission for Industries and Services, successful ladies will discuss the energy transition and the importance of diversity in the energy sector.
The ladies who will share their experience during the conference are:
- Alexandra Bocșe, State Counselor – Department of Climate and Sustainability – Presidential Administration;
- Cristina Prună, Member of Parliament, Commission for Industries and Services – Vice-President;
- Oana Özmen, Member of Parliament, Commission for Industries and Services – Secretary;
- Claudia Griech, CEO of E.ON Energie Romania;
- Lăcrămioara Diaconu – Pințea, Member of the Oltenia Energy Complex Directorate;
- Monica Hodor, Director General of E-Distribution Banat, Dobrogea and South Muntenia;
- Rodica Suciu, General Director of Distributie Energie Electrică Romania;
- Melania Amuza, Deputy CEO, Commercial and Development SN “Nuclearelectrica”;
- Daniela Dărăban, ACUE Executive Director;
- Doina Ilișiu, Energy Technical Expert;
- Daniela Șerban, President and co-founder of Vertik;
- Corina Murafa, Member of the Economic and Social Council of Romania;
- Luminița Vlaicu, Entrepreneur, Energy Expert FEL Romania;
- Diana Dan, Energy Engineer, Consultant;
- Andreea Ilie, Executive Director – Association of Energy and Electrical Engineers.
The moderator of the event is Mr. Adrian Măniuţiu, producer and TV presenter, entrepreneur – EM360 Group, seconded by Claudia Candale, Cristina Păun and Georgian-Florentin Albu – FEL Romania.
The event will be opened by Mr. Ștefan Gheorghe, executive general director of CNR – CME, Ms. Ella Ratcu, CNR-CME advisor and founder of FEL Romania and Mr. Bende Sandor, president of the Commission for Industries and Services in the Chamber of Deputies – Parliament of Romania.
“Our colleagues in the energy sector must enjoy all our respect, appreciation and help, for the professionalism of their actions, for the dedication and patience they show in many situations. This event is an opportunity for our young colleagues to participate in the exchange of ideas between generations. I wish them much success in the future!”, said Mr. Ștefan Gheorghe.
Ella Ratcu mentioned:
“I am convinced that women have all the capabilities to be those redoubtable professionals, exceptional leaders, inspirational mentors and key factors of the innovative solutions that the energy sector needs so much. They have the power to lead, to guide people and businesses, to transmit knowledge, to inspire. My message to the young energy workers: You have chosen a job of boundless nobility! The energy industry offers great challenges, but also opportunities to match. I believe in you, in your strength and determination to push your limits and succeed in whatever you set your mind to. Dare! Be strong!”
Given the ambitious climate and energy targets to which the European Union has committed itself, there is a time pressure to identify and attract the talent from the relevant sector, regardless of gender, that is needed to meet the goal of climate neutrality. Diversity can lead to an increase in the sector’s competitiveness and improvements throughout its value chain.
“By organizing this event, we aim to support the professional community of women in the energy sector, to encourage young students and professionals to develop a successful career in this field.
FEL Romania develops programs that offer networking opportunities, encourages the career development of women who want to work in the energy industry and those with consolidated positions in the field” also mentions Ionuț Diaconu, Project Manager of FEL Romania.