Romgaz invested 300,000 RON in the renovation of an amphitheater within the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest
Romgaz invested 300,000 RON in the renovation and modernization of an amphitheater within the Academy of Economic Studies (ASE) in Bucharest. The new Romgaz amphitheater was built in partnership with the Association of Students in Economics, Business and Communication (ASEAC) and the Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Economics.
The General Director of Romgaz, Razvan Popescu, said: “It gives me great pleasure to be with you to mark an important moment both for our company and for the Academy of Economic Studies. I consider inter-institutional cooperation extremely beneficial in the field of education of young people who want a career in the energy sector. There is no greater pride for the company I represent than to have young ASE graduates in the team who, through professionalism, leave their mark on the evolution of the Romanian energy field”.
The Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Economics, university professor Dr. Silvia Elena Iacob, added: “University education is in continuous evolution, and the support of the business environment is an inherent component of the educational process. ASE’s concern is both excellence in education and research, as well as the training of graduates with a series of skills required by economic realities, expressed through our dialogue with traditional partners.”