How energy consumption is invoiced starting 1 January 2023

From 1 January 2023 until 31 March 2025, under the provisions of Law 357/2022, the invoicing method for energy consumption will change. Based on this, all Enel Energie and Enel Energie Muntenia household customers automatically benefit from the capping of the final price of electricity and natural gas according to their consumption, as follows:
👉 Customers with a monthly consumption between 0 and 100 kWh inclusive – pay a maximum of 0.68 lei/kWh (taxes included).
👉 Customers with a monthly consumption between 100,01 and 300 kWh inclusive – pay a maximum of 0,80 lei/kWh for monthly consumption between 100,01 and 255 kWh and a maximum of 1,3 lei/kWh for consumption between 255 kWh and 300 kWh (taxes included)
👉 Customers with a monthly consumption exceeding 300 kWh – maximum 1,3 lei/kWh (taxes included)
If the price in the current electricity contract is lower than the final price resulting from the legislation in force (Law 357/2022), the contract price applies.
It is very important to know that, as of 1 January 2023, for the calculation of the capping of the final invoiced price, the electricity consumption in the month for which the invoicing is made is taken into account.
Natural gas:
All domestic customers continue to benefit from a capped final invoiced price of 0.31 lei/kWh (including taxes).
Who needs to submit documentation to fall under the first capping category?
There are still three categories of consumers who need to submit various documents to benefit from the electricity price cap of 0.68 lei/kWh, regardless of consumption:
- Single-parent families
A family made up of a single person and his/her dependent children living with him/her, with a child up to the age of 18; the age limit is extended to 26 if the adult child is in education.
It is necessary to submit:
– Application
– Affidavit
- Household customers with at least 3 dependent children up to the age of 18; the age limit is extended to 26 if the adult child is in education.
It is necessary to submit:
– Application
– Affidavit
- Household customers requiring medical appliances
These are household customers at whose place of consumption live persons who use powered medical devices, appliances or equipment.
They are required to submit:
– Application
– Confirmation from the medical specialist
In the case of this category of customers, the submission of the above documents does not replace the procedure laid down in Law 226/2021 on establishing social protection measures for vulnerable energy consumers.
For all three of the above categories, the confirmation from the doctor, the application and the affidavit are submitted only once, they do not need to be submitted every month. The documents can be submitted to the electricity supplier at any time, but the final capped invoiced price will apply starting the first day of the following month since submition.
Enel Energie and Enel Energie Muntenia household customers who fall into the listed categories can send the documents to or submit them in Enel shops.
Can customers be placed in one capping category in one month and in another category in another month?
Enrolment in the capping categories can vary from month to month. For example, if in one month the consumption is between 0 and 100 kWh (inclusive), then the customer will benefit for that month from a capped final invoiced price of 0.68 lei/kWh (including taxes). If, in the following month, the electricity consumption is between 100.01 and 255 kWh, the customer will benefit for that month from a capped final invoiced price of 0.80 lei/kWh (tax included).
More updated information on the new energy measures can be found on the website, section Plafonare.
December electricity consumption invoiced on the basis of different legislative measures
As new legislative provisions on how to calculate the electricity price cap came into force on 16 December 2022, consumption from 1-15 December 2022 is invoiced by Enel Energie and Enel Energie Muntenia on the basis of GEO 27/2022, in force for that period. Thus, for the first part of December, the invoices issued took into account the consumption estimated by the consumption agreement agreed by the customer.
In order to apply the cap correctly, as required by law, Enel suppliers are currently implementing the latest provisions in their IT system. As a result, consumption in the second half of December 2022 will be reflected on the bill that customers will receive in February, together with electricity consumption for January 2023, in accordance with Law 357/2022 and GEO 192/2022.
Very important! The cap will apply for each month individually, not cumulative consumption! So, for December, the regularisation will be carried out and the corresponding capping will be applied, taking into account the legislative measures that were in force during that month. Similarly, the bill that customers will receive in February will also include, on a separate line, the consumption corresponding to January, together with the January cap.