Rompetrol Rafinare: Petromidia refinery has returned to optimal operational capacity

The Petromidia Navodari refinery has returned to optimal operational capacity, following the successful completion of the programmed technological operations carried out by Rompetrol Rafinare, member company of the KMG International Group (Rompetrol).
“The completion of the works allows us to ensure an optimal degree of utilization of the refining capacity for the rest of the year, in support of the planned production objectives. Thus, we align to the general strategy, which aims to increase efficiency and operational performance, with compliance with all safety norms”, said Felix Crudu-Tesloveanu, General Manager of Rompetrol Rafinare.
Among the main operations carried out is the decoking of the equipment used in the advanced processing of crude oil distillation residues, respectively the change and regeneration of the catalysts used in the production of gasoline.
These proactive measures taken by the specialists of the Navodari refinery are intended to increase the energy efficiency of the units in the operational flow, as well as the constant reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.
After the completion of the actual works, which lasted about seven days, the instalations returned to an optimal flow of processing crude oil and semi-finished products. Thus, the average amount of raw material processed is currently approximately 15,000 tons per day.
The works were coordinated by Rominserv, the general contractor of the KMG International Group (Rompetrol) and were executed with the support of several subcontracted companies from Romania, specialized in the profile industry.
Deliveries of fuels and other petroleum products were not affected, Rompetrol Rafinare using a production schedule based on the accumulation of components, so that the refining activity should not completely stopped.