OMV Petrom announces changes in the Executive Board, new mandate

In today’s meeting, the Supervisory Board of OMV Petrom approved the reappointment of the following members of the Executive Board of OMV Petrom S.A. for a four-year mandate starting April 17, 2023 until April 16, 2027:
– Christina Campbell Verchere – Chief Executive Officer and President of the Executive Board
– Alina Gabriela Popa – Chief Financial Officer and Executive Board member
– Radu Sorin Caprau – Executive Board member responsible for Refining & Marketing activity
– Franck Albert Neel – Executive Board member responsible for Gas & Power activity.
The Supervisory Board of OMV Petrom also approved the appointment of Cristian Hubati as new Executive Board member of OMV Petrom S.A. responsible for Exploration & Production activity for a four-year mandate starting April 17, 2023 until April 16, 2027, following the expiry on April 16, 2023 of the mandate as Executive Board member of Hans Christopher Veit.