Andreea Negru, Romgaz: “Diplomacy and transparency are key for communication between leaders and employees”

“Belonging at work it is something very personal for all of us. It is a feeling. We feel that we are part of something, part of a company, of a group, of a society. We spend half of our day in a workplace, so belonging it’s the feeling of being part of something and that can make us feel great, to have a purpose in what we are doing. It’s important to have a strategy, a vision, a plan to do something with a group of people, to collaborate with your colleagues to achieve great things,” Andreea Negru, spokesperson Romgaz said during Belonging at Work HR conference organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“We are spending more time with our colleagues than with our family, so it’s important to have good relationships with our colleagues and leaders.
After the years of lockdown because of the pandemic, people feel the need to have more eye contact and face-to-face meetings, and to be closer to their colleagues and leaders.
Leaders need to embrace the benefits of digitalization nowadays. Digitalization represents the evolution of the society, and it brings benefits to all of us.
Diplomacy and transparency are key for communication between leaders and employees within the organization.”
Full recording of the conference: