Iulia Buciuman, DigitON: “Every CEO should have on his/ her agenda the belonging conversation”

“For some of us, belonging at work is about engagement. For others it is more about connection, or finding meaning in what we do. For sure, belonging is about interacting with other people, and how to reconnect while trying to keep this hybrid way of working as simple as possible in very complex world.
The “what for” question is probably the most important question and we don’t have an answer for it yet. From my point of view, this is the DNA of belonging, trying to answer this question and other questions from a personal perspective,” Iulia Buciuman, DigitON program coordinator, managing partner of Humanistic said during Belonging at Work HR conference organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“Another question is how we can build a culture where belonging is not just a word. What are the key things we have to do to really feel that engagement, that ‘what for’ and have meaningful relationships at work?
We all heard of silent quitting, but today another term is being used, respectively bare minimum Monday. This is linked to the burnout syndrome that is specific to the overachievers. Besides discussing about values and meaning, I would also talk about wellbeing and how we treat this mindset of the perfectionists.
Romania is very good at internet speed, but very poor at digital skills of the population, based on data by the European Commission. There are a lot of funds also through PNRR to improve digital skills.
I believe that CEOs should drive the change when we talk about belonging at work. We could start with some early adopters in the company and try to create a movement, but in the end the CEO should drive the change. The CEO should have on his/ her agenda the belonging conversation.”
Full recording of the conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li9sNvPk-dU