Deputy Oana Ozmen: “We need to increase the number of renovated buildings in the public sector”

“We are working on a project aimed at adapting legislation on energy efficiency. It is important to discuss with colleagues from the Ministry of Development. I hope that the European directive will be transposed by the end of the year. We have the RepowerEU directive that was recently amended, which includes two new energy classes: D and E. In addition to these changes that the directive proposes, we have to see how we can use the funds of 2.8 billion euros for the 4,332 of buildings that should be renovated,” Oana Ozmen, Secretary of the Committee on Industries and Services, Deputy, Chamber of Deputies, Romanian Parliament said during Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Business Conference organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“We need to increase the number of renovated buildings in the public sector. All those funds that were dedicated to residential gardens have been used. In addition to the funds we have in the PNRR, it is clear that we must increase energy efficiency not only from the perspective of building renovation, but also regarding renewable energy.
We continue at the level of the Parliament projects and programs to educate children regarding the benefits of energy efficiency. Energy efficiency requires innovative solutions.
We must develop the sector of specialists in energy efficiency and support the manufacturers of construction materials that use environmentally friendly products.
When we talk about solutions aimed at energy production, we must pay attention to the resources that are available in different geographical areas.
I was recently at the inauguration of a school that was renovated to the nZEB standard, within the Efficient Romania program. I was happy to see the partnership between private companies and public authorities for the completion of that project and I think we must encourage such partnerships because they bring extraordinary benefits to communities.
We need a national building register to understand how we can use the available funds to renovate old buildings. We must strengthen the institutions with attributions in this sector, such as the State Construction Inspectorate. Currently, ISC is undersized and needs more specialists.”
Full recording of the conference: