Four Romanian specialists from CNR-CME will represent Romania at the World Energy Council

The World Energy Council (WEC) has announced the nomination of new members to its Standing Committees: Programs, Studies, Communication and Strategy, Finance, Nominations and Remuneration.
The members of these committees are some of the best experts, selected from all over the world, based on rigorously established criteria, according to their degree of expertise and geographical balance, to ensure the most balanced and effective representation in the CME structures. Members are elected for a period of three years between the triennial World Energy Congresses.
The four Romanian specialists who will represent Romania (for terms of 3 years each) within the Permanent Committees of the World Energy Council are:
• Ioan Dan Gheorghiu – president of CNR-CME, for the Communication and Strategy Committee
• Stefan Gheorghe – general executive director CNR-CME, for the Studies Committee
• Silvia Vlasceanu – general director of HENRO, for the Programs Committee
• Bogdan Leu – FEL Romania member, for the Program Committee/FEL spot
The World Energy Council also announced two new members in its Global Future Energy Leaders (FEL) Program and in the FEL Congress program, for activation in the preparation and conduct of the World Energy Congress, which will take place in Rotterdam between April 22-25, 2024.
The two members of Future Energy Leaders, the CNR-CME youth program, who will represent Romania in the World Energy Council are:
• Rareș Hurghiș – general director of FEL, for the Global Community of Future Energy Leaders
• Georgian Albu- FEL member, as FEL Congress, at the 26th World Energy Council Congress to be held in Rotterdam between April 22-25, 2024