Sebastian Enache, Monsson: “By 2030, Romania will need 20,000 new jobs for the construction of wind and photovoltaic parks”

“One of the problems that the energy industry faces and that we also face is the lack of specialized labor. We are one of the first companies that invested in the development, design, and construction of renewable energy parks, both wind and photovoltaic.
We founded the Renewable Energy School of Skills and over 10,000 people have already passed through this school. In the last 10-15 years, a new category of employees appeared, namely those who work in renewable energy and in the production of wind and photovoltaic energy,” Sebastian Enache, Head of M&A, Monsson said during Energy CEO Forum organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“This professional category it still not regulated, there are no occupational standards, and the jobs of these people do not officially exist.
We currently have about 8,000 employees who work in the field of renewable energy and have jobs that are not officially recognized. How can we attract funds and help people develop professionally for jobs that don’t exist?
We at Monsson are actively involved in drafting occupational standards. We are trying to bring to the surface as many jobs as possible that currently exist but are not officially recognized.
Estimates show that, by 2030, Romania will need 20,000 new jobs for the construction of wind and photovoltaic parks.”