Romgaz benefits from the Issuer Market Maker services provided by Raiffeisen Bank International

Romgaz (SNG), the largest natural gas producer and the main supplier in Romania, company listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) benefits from the Issuer Market Maker services provided by Raiffeisen Bank International. Romgaz is listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange since 2013. On May 17, 2023 the company’s market capitalization was 15 billion RON, being the second largest company on the stock exchange.
“We concluded this partnership for two years to support the liquidity and attractiveness of SNG shares on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. We are considering strengthening the capital structure and believe that these services will help improve the company’s position in negotiating the financing of future projects through the capital market”, stated Razvan Popescu, CEO S.N.G.N. Romgaz S.A.
The SNG share is the 6th share of an issuer listed on the stock exchange on the Main Market for which Raiffeisen Bank International provides Issuer’s Market Maker services. The total number of financial instruments listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange’s Main Market that benefit from the Issuer’s Market Maker services reaches 22.
“We are very pleased about having won yet another Issuer’s Market Maker mandate at the Bucharest Stock Exchange and the trust placed in our expertise. The mandate demonstrates RBI’s continued commitment to the Romanian capital market”, stated Guenther Kornfellner, Equities & Derivatives Trader for EMEA, Raiffeisen Bank International AG.
“Romgaz is a representative company for the capital market, being one of the largest companies listed on the stock exchange according to capitalization and, at the same time, an emblematic participant in the Romanian economy. We want this new partnership of the Issuer’s Market Maker at the Bucharest Stock Exchange between Romgaz and Raiffeisen Bank International to contribute to boosting the liquidity of Romgaz’s shares and implicitly improving the market liquidity. We are glad that issuers are open to contracting this type of service, which indicates their commitment to increase performance on the Romanian capital market”, stated Adrian Tanase, CEO Bucharest Stock Exchange.