Forum by ARIR 2023: The Romanian capital market is invited to discuss the premises for growth and innovation of listed companies

ARIR (Romanian Investor Relations Association), the promoter of the Investor Relations (IR) concept, announces the fifth edition of the annual Forum by ARIR. The event will take place on June 9th and will bring together, in Bucharest, high-level representatives of the Romanian capital market, listed companies, and representatives of the Government, the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF), and the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB).
Under the central theme of “Romanian capital market joining forces – Aligned towards innovation,” the individual and collective efforts of listed companies and of the Bucharest Stock Exchange in fostering the development of the capital market will be discussed during Forum by ARIR.

Daniela Șerban, ARIR President and Co-Founder:
“Forum by ARIR 2023 is an opportunity for industry leaders to come together and exchange experiences regarding the premises for growth and innovation of the companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. We will discuss the stages of Romania’s accession process to the OECD. Professionals will share insights on how to continuously adapt investor relations to new challenges. Top management of listed companies will outline individual opportunities and engage in interactive discussions with investors, Government representatives, analysts, and the press. “
Among the confirmed speakers are: Daniela Șerban, ARIR President and Co-Founder; Adrian Țuțuianu, Deputy Secretary General of the Government; Mihai Precup, State Secretary, Ministry of Finance; Ștefan Nanu, General Director of the General Directorate of Treasury and Public Debt, Ministry of Finance; Ovidiu Petru, General Director, Financial Instruments and Investments Directorate, Financial Supervisory Authority; Radu Hanga, President of the Board of Directors, Bucharest Stock Exchange; Adrian Tănase, CEO, Bucharest Stock Exchange; Marius Ştefan, CEO and Founder, Autonom; Claudiu Cercel, Deputy CEO – Financial Markets Member of the Management, BRD; Monica Ivan, CEO BRK Financial Group; Johan Meyer, CEO FTIS Bucharest Branch; Alexandru Chiriță, CEO Electrica; Alina Popa, CFO OMV Petrom; Alexandru Stânean, CEO TeraPlast; Tony Romani, ARIR Board Member & Partner at Invenio; Daniela Aldescu, Executive Director, ARIR; Liviu Vatavu, Head of Legal and Corporate Governance, Antibiotice; Jean Dumitrescu, Investor Relations Director, AQUILA; Teodora Dănilă – Head of ESG & Investor Relations , IMPACT Developer & Contractor; Valentina Dinu, Head of Communication and Investor Relations Department, NuclearElectrica SA; Eugeniu Baltag, Investor Relations Manager, Purcari Wineries; Gabriel-Andrei Țecheră, Corporate Governance and Investor Relations Director, TTS; Peter de Boer, Member of BoD and Investor Relations Manager, DN AGRAR; Iulian Cîrciumaru , President of the Board of Directors, Holde Agri Invest; Andrei Dudoiu, Managing Partner & President of BoD, SeedBlink; Martin Railton, Head of Advisory EMEA, Corporate Solutions, S&P Global Market Intelligence; Laura Negrişoiu, Sustainability Director, Mazars România, Ovidiu Otto Strasszer, Senior Manager, Financial Advisory, Mazars România.
Forum by ARIR is an interactive conference format that has attracted approximately 100 actively involved or interested individuals from the capital market. Details about registration to attend Forum by ARIR 2023 and the complete agenda can be found on the event website .
The Strategic Partners of Forum by ARIR are: Bucharest Stock Exchange (ARIR’s founding member), Banca Transilvania (ARIR’s associate member), IMPACT Developer & Contractor (ARIR’s associate member), Romcarbon (ARIR’s associate member), Nuclearelectrica (ARIR’s associate member), Antibiotice (ARIR’s associate member) și Mazars (ARIR’s affiliate member).
The Main Partners of the event are: Raiffeisen Bank International, Transelectrica, Purcari Wineries, S&P Global.
Media Partners: Radio România Actualități, Agerpres, BIZ, DC Media Group, Energynomics, Feel the markets, Financial Intelligence, Financial Market, IR Magazine,, The Diplomat Bucharest, Money, Piața Financiară, Internetcorp.
Monitoring Partner: Klarmedia.
ARIR members are among the largest companies in Romania, which share the objective of implementing best practices of transparency, investor communication and corporate governance.
About the Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR):
ARIR is the promoter of the Investor Relations (IR) concept in Romania and we believe that by following standards of transparency, corporate governance and proactivity in communicating with investors, our members will benefit from added value, attract funding more easily, have the reputation and trust necessary for the continued development of their business. ARIR was founded in 2018 by listed companies, prospective listings, fund managers and IR professionals.