Leonhard Birnbaum, CEO of E.ON, is the new president of Eurelectric

Leonhard Birnbaum, CEO of E.ON, takes the reins of Eurelectric, the trade body representing the European electricity industry in Brussels.
“Joined by Vice Presidents Markus Rauramo – CEO of Fortum – and Georgios Stassis – CEO of PPC –, the new Presidency makes a strong call to put in place the necessary enablers for a radical ramp up of electrification at a time when Europe needs to accelerate its decarbonisation and ensure its energy sovereignty. Strengthening electricity grids, rethinking Europe’s security of supply, and ensuring proper investment conditions will be their three key priorities,” a release reads.
“The big transformation of our economy and society happens in the power grids. We must urgently prioritise the growth and digitalisation of our infrastructure to enable consumers to reap the benefits of their own flexibility and ensure access to clean, reliable electricity. Policymakers and regulators need to supercharge the green agenda and support electrification. Simple cost control is no longer an option, and Eurelectric will be carrying this message loud and clear in Brussels and beyond,” said Birnbaum.
Eurelectric’s new Presidency team will continue to foster broad consensus within the industry, seek common ground with our consumers of all sizes and engage in structured dialogue with policymakers. To back up its vision, the new Presidency will initiate state-of-the-art research in the areas of grid and security of supply to inform the debate and support policymakers in their quest to meet new challenges.