Young FEL Romania face to face with the challenges of the future

FEL Energy Summit 2023 organized by Future Energy Leaders (FEL) Romania, the youth program of the Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council (CNR-CME) took place on June 14, 2023 at the Palace of the Parliament.
The event, which analyzed aspects of the current situation of the energy sector, with an emphasis on the role of the new generation of leaders in this field, brought together a wide range of experts and professionals in the energy field, central public authorities, representatives of large companies, the academic environment and specialists who share a common vision for our energy future.
The event was opened by Claudia Candale, Director of the FEL Events and Partnerships Department, and the opening speech was addressed by Mr. Ștefan Gheorghe, the General Executive Director of CNR-CME. The FEL Energy Summit was structured on 3 discussion and debate panels, moderated by FEL alums.
The conclusions of the event were highlighted by Rareș Hurghiș, General Director of FEL Romania and Mădălina Nan, Responsible for the FEL Energy Summit 2023 Event.
The first panel, “X-ray of the current energy industry and where are we going? The Perspective of the Public Administration”, moderated by Mihai Macarie, FEL alumnus, brought into the plan the vision of the central public administration on the energy sector.
Among the discussed topics, the peculiarities of the Romanian sector and the approach within the European Union, the financial resources available for the development of the sector and its decarbonization, national energy security and the achievement of climate neutrality targets were listed.
The guests who debated these topics were: • Cristian BUȘOI, President of the ITRE Commission, European Parliament • Alexandra BOCȘE, State Counselor for Climate and Sustainability, Presidential Administration • Lorant ANTAL, President of the Energy and Mineral Resources Commission, Romanian Senate • Alina JALEA, State Counselor within the Chancellery of the Prime Minister • Ștefan POPESCU, Former Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The second panel entitled “Challenges of energy transition according to WEC studies and monitoring of issues in the field of energy. How can leaders cope, as effectively as possible, with all the changes?” was moderated by Mihai Teoader-Pasti, FEL Romania alumnus. In this panel, the set of tools of the World Energy Council was presented, how to use all resources to ensure a just energy transition, the innovative technologies needed, as well as the social and environmental impact of large energy projects.
Guests participated in the discussion: • Virgil MUȘATESCU – Advisor, CNR-CMR • Ștefan GHEORGHE – General Executive Director, CNR-CME • Radu DUDĂU – Executive Director, EPG • Cătălin NIȚ – Executive Director, FPPG • Dumitru CHISĂLIĂ – Executive Director, Smart Energy Association • Bogdan TERMEGAN – SMR Expert, S.N. Nuclearelectrica SA • Suzana CARP – Specialist in European public policies & Deputy Executive Director Cleantech for Europe • Sabina STRÎMBOVSCHI – Foreign affairs expert, FEL Romania
The third panel “How do we train future energy leaders?” was moderated by Claudiu Butacu, FEL Romania alumnus. The aim of this panel was to bring together representatives from industry, academia and voluntary organisations, to create bridges between generations of the sector and to showcase the ways in which future energy leaders are being trained in the entities they represents them.
Thus, the opportunities in these environments were listed, the way in which knowledge is transmitted between generations and what are the social skills that are sought in a future leader in energy.
These topics were discussed by: • Michelle ARELLANO – Manager of Member Services, World Energy Council • Ștefăniţă MUNTEANU – General Manager, CNTEE Transelectrica SA • Nicolas RICHARD – General Manager, ENGIE Romania • Gabriela ORMAN – Director of the Directorate of Regulation and Asset Management, DEER • Franck NEEL – Member of the Directorate responsible for Gas and Energy activity, OMV Petrom • Diana ROBESCU – Dean of the Faculty of Energy, Politehnica University of Bucharest • Cătălina NEDELCU – MBA Energy program coordinator, FABIZ, Academy of Economic Studies • Alisa FLEANCU – Energy Engineer, FEL Romania
“The Future Energy Leaders program takes place worldwide, and Future Energy Leaders (FEL) Romania enjoys extraordinary appreciation within the World Energy Council, being given an example of good practice and considered to be among the first countries within the WEC, in regarding involvement in the activities they carry out. The integration of the dynamism and perseverance of young people with the experience of seniors in the energy field represents a point of gain and development, the theme of this event being one in this direction. I congratulate them and wish them success!” declared the General Executive Director of CNR – CME, Mr. Ștefan Gheorghe, at the opening of the event.
“By organizing this event, we aimed to bring up the current and interesting topics of the energy sector and to debate the challenges of leadership in the current energy context, faced by the central public administration, private industrial environment, the academic environment, but also the impact that involvement in voluntary actions has on the development of young people’s skills and careers. Thus, we strongly believe that future energy leaders must embrace a sustainable vision based on innovation to develop a sustainable energy system.” – emphasized the Future Energy Leaders Romania team.
About Future Energy Leaders Romania
Future Energy Leaders Romania (FEL Romania) is the youth program of the Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council (CNR-CME) and is part of the global network of Future Energy Leaders, developed by the World Energy Council. FEL Romania is a network of young professionals who debate ideas and develop projects. Among the objectives of the program are the professionalization of young people in energy and the development of skills necessary for the 4th industrial revolution, increasing the degree of employability and the greater presence of young people in decision-making positions.
FEL Romania also aims to be a platform for communication and cooperation between the new generation and the current elite in the field of energy, cooperation that we consider vital for a good development of the energy sector and the way it interacts with other fields. FEL Romania aims to accelerate the transition to an economy based on clean energy and reduce the negative impact that energy has on the environment.