ADR participated in the European project Projectathon

Between June 14-16, the team of the Authority for the Digitalization of Romania participated in the second European Projectathon that brought together all 27 member states of the European Union in Brussels, for a marathon peer-to-peer testing session of components of the Once-Only Technical System (OOTS), which will allow the automated cross-border exchange of administrative documents between the institutions of the member states, at the express request of European citizens.
One of the main benefits of this project is that, at European level, citizens of one Member State will be able to request administrative documents from a competent authority in another Member State, going through a 100% online administrative procedure. Citizens’ request will generate the necessary administrative proof from the competent authorities of several administrative sectors, such as education, vehicle and population records, trade register, etc., through OOTS.
Projectathon #2 provided the countries of the European Union with an excellent opportunity to check whether their national systems or solutions implementing the Once-Only principle comply with the technical specifications provided by the Technical System Implementation Regulation. At the same time, Projectathon #2 offered member states the opportunity to test certain components related to electronic identity, which will have to be integrated into the Once-Only Technical System.
The Authority for the Digitalization of Romania is responsible for the implementation of the Once-Only Technical System in Romania, and within the pilot project it carried out three test packages established at the European level, which aimed at:
• eDelivery access point component;
• the ability to make requests to the common services of the European Commission (the intermediary of supporting elements and the register of data services);
• the ability to receive an answer regarding the location of the supporting elements requested in the other member state;
• sending a request directly to the member state, according to the information provided by the EU common services;
• receiving a document from the member state to which the request was made.
The technical system uses already established European digital solutions to provide access to quality cross-border public services to all citizens of the Union, solutions such as:
• eDelivery access points;
• the eIDAS electronic identification system together with the node system provided for by Regulation 910/2014 of July 23, 2014.