ADR launches debate on regulatory framework in the field of digital transformation of the public administration

The Authority for the Digitalization of Romania (ADR) together with Deloitte and Reff & Asociații organized, on June 27, a debate on the topic “Regulatory framework in the field of digital transformation of public administration. Achieving interoperability in the field of information technology and communications”, the work of the workshop being opened by Bogdan-Gruia Ivan, the Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitalization.
The main topic debated during the workshop was the proposal of the Reference Norms for Achieving Interoperability in the field of information and communications technology (NRRI), developed by ADR in accordance with Law 242/2022 on the exchange of data between IT systems and the creation of the National Platform of Interoperability.
The objective of the NRRI development is to establish cooperation practices and procedures for central and local authorities to achieve data exchange in public administration and the development of inter-institutional IT&C services.
Following a comprehensive approach, NRRI aims to define rules and technical standards as a basis for the interoperability and compatibility of platforms, applications, existing or to be developed IT systems, as well as for the standardization of processes and data.
Thus, citizens and the business environment will benefit from integrated, higher quality public services, as well as from the reduction of the administrative burden in the process of accessing public services.
In his opening speech, Bogdan-Gruia Ivan, the Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, said: “The purpose of institutional cooperation in public administration is to provide citizens and the business environment with integrated and easy-to-access public services and to reduce the burden their administration in the process of accessing public services. The start of the implementation of the National Platform for Interoperability – the once-only principle and the interoperability architecture is one of the essential objectives of the Government Program 2023-2024 – VISION FOR THE NATION, for which the current Government received the vote of confidence of the Parliament.”
“ADR makes constant efforts to adopt the best practices of cooperation between authorities in order to support the digital transformation and strengthen the performances in the act of e-government. Interoperability of information systems and inter-institutional data exchange are at the center of our concerns and are subjects that involve extensive legislative, technical, organizational and strategic debates. The reference norms that we are submitting to the debate today establish the conditions and terms of compliance in the form of a common technical and semantic core, to which the authorities and public institutions must align, in accordance with Law no. 242/2022”, emphasized Dragoș- Cristian Vlad, president of the Authority for Digitalization of Romania.
The event is part of a large project that the Authority for the Digitalization of Romania implements, called “Strategic framework for the adoption and use of innovative technologies in the public administration 2021-2027 – solutions for the efficiency of the activity”, co-financed from the Administrative Capacity Operational Program 2014-2020 , SIPOCA 704.