E.ON: More than 50 percent of Romanians who live in houses are interested in purchasing a photovoltaic system this year from an energy supplier

The prospect of becoming energy independent is increasingly tempting for Romanians. A study carried out by E.ON shows that interest in becoming prosumers has grown strongly among owners of houses. Thus, more than 50 percent of them stated that they intend to purchase a photovoltaic system from an energy supplier during this year, marking an increase of more than 8 percent compared to 2021.
The continuously growing interest in photovoltaic systems is also explained by the fact that there is a rather low level of equipment with such systems, only 3 percent of Romanians who live at home declaring that they have already installed photovoltaic panels.
At the same time, the results also reveal that 28 percent of Romanians know that they can purchase photovoltaic panel systems from their energy supplier.
The strong growth trend regarding the purchase of energy generation installations from renewable sources is also confirmed by the sales data of the E.ON Solar Home solution, launched on the market by the company in July 2020. Thus, the demand for this package has increased 10 times last year compared to 2021, with the company installing and handing over 650 photovoltaic plants on a turnkey basis to customers.
In the January-May 2023 period, demand continued to grow, recording a 65 percent advance compared to the same period last year, with E.ON installing almost 300 photovoltaic systems for customers in the residential segment. In total, since the launch of the solution, E.ON has installed over 1,000 photovoltaic systems at local customers.