RWEA Summer School kicks off its second edition (P)

The second edition of the RWEA Summer School is about to start – an educational information project of the Romanian Wind Energy Association, in collaboration with RenewAcad, which consists of organizing courses on renewable energy in Romania, in a European context.
This year the courses are addressed to the staff of the authorities and decision-making institutions in the energy field. The event takes place between July 27-28 at the headquarters of RenewAcad, the Professional Counseling and Training Academy for Renewable Energy Sources, located on boulevard Tomis 480, in Constanța.
The main topics covered in this summer school are the following:
- Overview of renewable energy and technologies: this module covers essential information about renewable energy as well as the technologies used in the development process of a project up to the operational stage.
- European and national legislation for renewable energy: presents the European legislation with impact on the national legislation and analyzes the specific legislation for the field of renewable energy in Romania.
- Legislation, urban regulations and land use planning: in this module, aspects related to urban legislation, construction law, agricultural land law and their impact on the implementation of renewable energy projects are addressed.
- The electricity market in Romania: in this way we offer a perspective on the electricity market in Romania, we explore aspects related to investments and financing of renewable energy projects, including available bank and European funds.
The objective of the RWEA Summer School 2023 is to inform the participants about the integral process of realizing renewable energy projects in Romania, starting from the European legislative context and applying the national legal framework. All stages for the development, construction, financing and operation of renewable energy projects in our country will be covered.
This year’s RWEA Summer School lecturers include specialists from various fields relevant to renewable energy, consultants and academics from: RENEWACAD, RESS, CEZ GROUP, KPMG, DLA PIPER, TD PARTNERS. In addition to the theoretical part, the Summer School courses also have a practical component: visiting a wind farm, a photovoltaic park and a dispatch center.
Participants will see in real time how renewable energy is produced and discharged into the SEN.
At the end of the courses, there will be a ceremony to hand out the Graduation Certificates, approved by the Ministry of Education, offered by RenewAcad.
This year at the RWEA Summer School, the students will be representatives of the decision-making authorities and institutions in the energy field such as: the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Investments and European Projects, the Competition Council, ANRE, Transelectrica and AFM.
This summer school offers a unique opportunity for participants to gain valuable knowledge and information about renewable energy in Romania, about the legislative framework, as well as to interact with experts and authorities in the field.