OMV Petrom Group: results for January – June 20231 including unaudited interim consolidated simplified financial statements as of and for the period ended 30 June 2023

Christina Verchere, CEO of OMV Petrom: “In the first six months of the year, energy prices on global markets have fallen significantly from the records set in 2022 and are approaching the levels seen before the energy crisis. In this context, our net profit fell to 0.9 billion lei. Our investments increased by 70%, to 2.4 billion lei and our contribution to the state budget was 8.8 billion lei, a level similar to that of the first half of last year. At the same time, we have taken important steps to bring our Strategy 2030 to life. Neptun Deep has entered a new phase, following the final investment decision in June 2023, and our portfolio of green energy projects has grown to more of 1 GW of photovoltaics. We announced the intention to distribute special dividends for the year 2022, subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board and the General Meeting of Shareholders; thus, dividends paid in 2023 will reach a new record level. We continue to focus on providing cleaner and more sustainable energy for our customers, while contributing to the country’s economic growth.”
CCA operating result excluding special items of 3.7 billion lei, 37% lower compared to the result of 1-6/22, mainly determined by lower contributions from all business segments, in the context of prices much lower costs of cargo and planned maintenance from Petrobrazi and Brazi • Net profit decreased by 80%, to 0.9 billion lei • Investments of almost 2.4 billion lei, higher by over 70%, mainly as a result of the planned overhaul of the refinery and drilling activities • Contribution to the State Budget of ~8.8 billion lei, relatively stable compared to 1-6/22. The solidarity contribution worth 1.5 billion lei was paid in June. • Dividends: basic dividend 0.0375 RON/share paid on June 7, 2023; special dividend proposal: 0.0450 RON/share.
Exploration and Production
- Operating result excluding special items of 2.1 billion lei compared to 3 billion lei in 1-6/22 mainly driven by lower crude oil and gas prices and lower sales volumes
- Production decreased by 5%, mainly due to natural decline
- Production cost increased by 19% to ~$15/boe Refining and Marketing
- CCA operating result excluding special items of ~0.8 billion lei compared to 1.8 billion lei in 1-6/22, as a result of a lower refinery utilization rate and reduced product availability, caused by the planned overhaul
- OMV Petrom refining margin gauge $14/bbl in 1-6/23 on lower diesel and gasoline differentials
- Refinery utilization rate of 64% vs. 92% in 1-6/22, reflecting the planned shutdown in the second quarter Retail sales volumes increased marginally to 1.42 mil tons Gases and Energy
- Operating result excluding special items of ~1.2 billion lei compared to 1.5 billion lei in 1-6/22; the result reflects a good performance of the natural gas and electricity activities, but was affected by market developments and regulations in force
- Natural gas sales volumes to third parties 6% higher, reflecting the successful redirection of unused quantities for electricity production
- Net electricity generation of ~1 TWh vs. ~2 TWh in 1-6/22 due to planned overhaul at Brazi power plant for full capacity from March to early July 2023
Progress in implementing the 2030 Strategy
- OMV Petrom made the final investment decision in the Neptun Deep project and, together with its partner Romgaz, approved the development plan and submitted it to the regulatory authority for confirmation • OMV Petrom and Transgaz signed a transport contract for natural gas from the Black Sea
- OMV Petrom discovered new crude oil and natural gas resources in Romania
- OMV Petrom and CE Oltenia signed financing contracts for the development of four photovoltaic parks, with a total capacity of ~450 MW
- OMV Petrom signed an agreement for the purchase of several photovoltaic parks in Romania with an installed capacity of ~710 MW Sustainability:
- OMV Petrom supports HOSPICE Casa Speranței with over 7 million euros in 2023
- OMV Petrom supplements its contribution with approximately 2 million euros for the modernization of the Ploiești County Emergency Hospital • OMV Petrom equipped the Bucharest Blood Transfusion Center with a mobile transport unit
- A second modernized school within the Efficient Romania program, supported by OMV Petrom
OMV Petrom supports this year’s plantings with 3 million euros and greens the urban landscape within the project “Romania plants for tomorrow” The Efficient Romania program continues with an investment of 1.5 million euros for the expansion and rehabilitation of the “Zig-Zag” kindergarten in Ovidiu