AQUILA reports net profit of 42 million RON, up 29 percent in first half of 2023

AQUILA, provider of integrated distribution and logistics services for consumer goods, in Romania and the Republic of Moldova, ended the first half of 2023 with increased revenues and net profit.
AQUILA’s revenues exceeded RON 1.1 billion in the first half of 2023, an increase of approximately 17 percent compared to the same period in 2022, driven mainly by the advance of the revenues from the distribution segment, which constitutes over 90 percent of the company’s total turnover. The company’s net profit reached RON 42 million, an increase of 29 percent.
Cătălin Vasile, CEO of AQUILA: “We have achieved strong performances in all three business segments. The traditional and HoReCa sectors were the distribution channels with a higher growth pace. We continued to develop our own brands, focusing on marketing and distribution. With new partnerships, the number of points of sale through which the company sells products across all channels has reached 72,000. Operational excellence through efficiency, with digitalization component and sustainability, are AQUILA’s priorities.”
In the first half of 2023, within the revenue structure, all three business segments recorded growth, 17 percent in the distribution segment, 27 percent in the logistics segment, and 1 percent in the transportation segment, compared to the same period in 2022.
The gross margin remained steady, at approximately 22 percent. EBITDA recorded a 17 percent increase, reaching RON 70 million.
AQUILA made investments totaling EUR 4.1 million in the first half of the year for transportation means, IT equipment, and warehouse facilities, in accordance with the investment plan approved by the General Shareholders’ Meeting in April.