UNIQA recorded 57.5 million Euro in total volume of gross premiums subscribed, up 8.5 percent in first half of 2023

UNIQA Asigurari and UNIQA Asigurari de viata have ended the first half of 2023 with increasing results in the non-motor and life insurance segments, the total volume of gross premiums subscribed by the two companies being 57.5 million euros, higher by 8.5 percent compared to the first 6 months of last year, according to the statutory records. Both UNIQA companies reported at the end of the 1st semester of 2023 a statutory profit before taxes of 4 million euros.
Insurance for companies continued to develop, especially in the area of solutions dedicated to small and medium enterprises and liability insurance, with increases of 18 percent in the volume of gross written premiums for each of these lines of activity.
In the retail area, customer interest in optional home insurance from UNIQA continued to grow, sales in this segment being 28 percent higher in the first half of 2023, compared to the same period of the previous year.
The volume of sales in travel insurance segment increased by 27 percent between January and June 2023, compared to the first half of last year. The company launched UNItravel, a new version of the product, which offers additional benefits for customers, being an insurance that can be purchased online, simply and quickly, with the help of the ANA digital consultant, but also through the MyUNIQA digital platform.
„We take on an increasingly important role towards our customers, both people and companies, for a better life in the community we are part of. We want to have a positive impact, offering them products and services that mean more than financial protection. We want to be a relevant support point for customers, to act as real consultants in the relationship with them, to inspire them to make the best decisions for achieving the plans that really matter to them. At the same time, we act to help society and support business continuity and success, through solutions adapted to the complexity and diversity of needs in this area. The promise for better living together is addressed to customers, partners and the UNIQA team alike, and our actions are guided by common values, based on which we contribute to the well-being of the community”, said Paul Cazacu, Chairman of the Board – CEO of UNIQA Asigurari.
Regarding the sales activity for life insurance, the volume of gross written premiums of UNIQA in the first half of 2023 reached the level of 16.8 million euros, up by 19 percent compared to the first half of 2022, an evolution supported by insurance associated with credit products and traditional life insurance.