Transgaz to become the operator of the entire gas transportation system in the Republic of Moldova

Transgaz, through its subsidiary in the Republic of Moldova, Vestmoldtransgaz, the company that operates, exploits and dispatches the Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline, signed the Tenancy Agreement whereby it takes over the activity of operating, exploiting, dispatching and transmitting natural gas in the Republic of Moldova from the operator Moldovatransgaz, starting from 19 September 2023.
Thus, for the next 5 years, in accordance with the legal provisions of the Republic of Moldova, the subsidiary of Transgaz – Vestmoldtransgaz SRL (VMTG) will become the sole licensed operator for the provision of the public gas transmission service on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.
VMTG’s action follows Moldovatransgaz S.R.L.’s failure to comply with the unbundling requirements, which led to the modification of the legislative framework in the Republic of Moldova to ensure the country’s energy security and alignment with the European regulatory framework.
Ion Sterian, General Manager of Transgaz, stated: “With this initiative, Transgaz continues its strategic presence in the Republic of Moldova, contributing to ensuring the strategic interests of the region. Ensuring the separation and independence of natural gas transmission system operators from vertically integrated companies that produce, distribute, store, trade or supply natural gas is one of the basic objectives for the creation of a liberalized natural gas market in the Republic of Moldova.
With regard to the takeover of the operation, exploitation, dispatching and transmission of natural gas in the Republic of Moldova, we have completed all the necessary formalities required by the legislation of the Republic of Moldova. This move strengthens Transgaz’ role and place in the European gas sector. We were the first multinational company with majority state ownership, through the acquisition of Vestmoldtransgaz, and now we are already a player actively involved in ensuring regional energy security”.