Distributie Energie Electrica Romania signs partnership with Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Distributie Energie Electrică Romania (DEER) and the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTCN), through the Energy Transition Research Center (EnTREC), have concluded a new active partnership, within an international research-innovation project.
The project, called “Smart Grid-Efficient Interactive Buildings”, with the acronym EVELIXIA – no. grant 101123238/2023, takes place within the Horizon Europe call.
The total value of the project is over 8 million Euro and will be carried out over a period of 4 years, the consortium being made up of 36 partners from 12 European countries.
The project aims to implement and test at demonstration pilot level the concept of active network user (prosumer) and interaction with energy distribution networks.
Mihaela Rodica Suciu, General Director: “For DEER, it is essential that both the transition to green energy and the network access of prosumers take place in safe, continuous and permanent conditions. The EVELIXIA project represents an excellent opportunity to test new technologies that respond to market challenges, but also to understand the behavior of the active user. Our company shows an increased interest in identifying innovative solutions to ensure the flexibility of networks in the relationship with prosumers.”