Marius Nicolae, SAS Romania: “From a data point of view, we are witnessing one of the biggest transformations in history”

“During this period, we are witnessing a new evolutionary wave from the point of view of solutions based on modern technologies. There was a wave in 1980, another wave at the beginning of the 2000s and now we are increasingly witnessing the presence of artificial intelligence in customer-oriented solutions. In parallel with the development of technologies, we are witnessing a greater interest of municipalities, public sector clients, private sector clients in purchasing technology that will help them and create value,” Marius Nicolae, AI Strategic Advisor, SAS Romania & SEE said during Smart Transformation Forum organized by The Diplomat-Bucharest.
“All these things are hyper-accelerated at the moment. From a data point of view, we are witnessing one of the biggest transformations in history. Studies show that 80 percent of the data currently stored in global systems were generated in the last two years. There are no digital services without data. There are no quality digital services without the use of data.
It is a good time to start developing solutions that contain advanced technology. From the perspective of the projects, we notice different types of clients, with different perspectives, who use technology to solve their problems or to offer citizens digital services.
There are municipalities in Europe that – following digital strategies – have defined a series of projects that must comply with three directions: improving digital services, improving the quality of life in cities, developing industrial projects. A series of projects have been identified and I can tell you that a city in Western Europe has identified about 50 projects in each of the mentioned directions. All these projects are based on advanced data analysis solutions.”
Full recording of the conference HERE