Holcim invested 25 million euros to increase production capacity of the cement plant in Campulung

Holcim Romania has made an investment of over 25 million euros to increase the production capacity of the cement plant in Campulung by approximately 20 percent. The investment comes 15 years after the implementation of a project to renovate the plant, worth over 100 million euros.
“Holcim believes in the development capacity of the Romanian economy, that’s why large and constant investments are made both in the existing production capacities, as well as in new business opportunities. Following this new investment, we can say that the cement factory in Campulung is becoming the most modern cement plant in Romania, responding responsibly to the needs of our customers to build with high-performance construction materials. At the same time, we continue to provide attractive jobs and contribute to local development,” said Cornel Banu, Industrial Director of Holcim Romania and Moldova.
The cement plant from Campulung directly supports, through its employees, more than 200 families from the Campulung area, and indirectly another 200 families through local contractors and suppliers.