Double Event InvesTenergy, on October 10: The annual conference “We invest and act responsibly in ENERGY” and the Gala dedicated to specialists “Let’s put Energy People in the spotlight!”

InvesTenergy continues the tradition and organizes a double event on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, under the patronage of the National Energy Regulatory Authority: the annual conference with the theme “We invest and act responsibly in ENERGY”, the 6th edition, and the Gala dedicated to the Specialists “To we put People from Energy into Light!”, 3rd edition.

Specialists, key people from the energy sector, representatives of the Ministry of Energy, Parliament, ANRE, universities and professional associations, companies in the field, investors, lawyers, journalists meet on October 10, at Le Chateau – the Castle in the heart of Bucharest, for to debate together the most important topics in energy and, with great admiration and appreciation, to shine a light on energy specialists. An audience of over 130 people.
In the midst of the energy transition process, we are taking part in major changes in terms of energy throughout the world and Romania must respond appropriately to the challenges and opportunities. We are at a stage where we have new challenges related to access to energy, energy poverty and security, as well as pollution and climate change. We need to act, which is why we need a constructive and committed dialogue about the future, a harmonization of decisions at national and local level and their immediate implementation. The decisions we make now must be responsible, reach a consensus and stop changing direction so often. Through the chosen theme, we aim to continue to develop a constructive dialogue that constitutes a realistic assessment of the current situation in the energy sector, with the proposal of a responsibly applied treatment for the existing problems and that leads to decisions taken for strategic investments in energy!
Agenda of the event:
08.30 – 09:00 Registration of participants
Welcome coffee 09.00 – 09.50
Opening session Keynote Speakers:
- Dan – Dragoș DRĂGAN – State Secretary, Ministry of Energy
- George Sergiu NICULESCU – President, National Energy Regulatory Authority – ANRE
- Bende SANDOR – Chairman, Committee on Industries and Services, Chamber of Deputies
- István-Loránt ANTAL – President, Commission for Energy, Energy Infrastructure and Mineral Resources, Senate of Romania
- Moderator: Claudiu BUTACU – President, EFdeN & Solar Decathlon Association
10.00 – 12.30 Debate session with the theme “Responsibility and Responsibility in Energy. The power of investments, let’s act today for tomorrow!”
Panel 1 Speakers:
- Mihaela Rodica SUCIU – General Manager, Romania Electric Energy Distribution (DEER)
- Volker RAFFEL – CEO, E.ON Romania
- Bogdan BADEA – President of the Directorate, Hidroelectrica
- Bogdan TONCESCU – Board Member, Transelectrica
- Georg BOIE – Executive Vice President & Project Development Onshore International, PNE AG
- Ondrej SAFAR – Country Manager & President of the Directorate, CEZ Romania
- Nicolas RICHARD – CEO, ENGIE Romania
- Alexandru CHIRIȚĂ – Director of General Electrica
- Mihaela NYERGES – Managing Partner, Nyerges & Partners and Member of the RPIA Board of Directors
- Moderator: Daniela DĂRĂBAN – Executive Director, ACUE
Panel 2 Speakers:
- Prof. Dr. Eng. Horia NECULA – Vice-Rector, UNST Politehnica Bucharest
- Paul MOLDOVAN – Chief Operational Officer,
- Parapet Lăcrămioara DIACONU-PINTEA – Country Manager, OX2 Romania Alina ARDELEAN – Development Director, REPOM
- Claudiu CRETU – Director General, ELCEN
- Liviu GAVRILĂ – Vice President, RWEA
- Laurentiu URLUESCU – President, AFEER
- Moderator: Ion LUNGU, Executive Director AFEER
12.30 – 13.00 Coffee Break / Networking
13.00 – 14.30 (15.00) InvesTenergy Gala dedicated to energy specialists “Let’s put people from energy to light”
Keynote Speaker: Sebastian-Ioan BURDUJA – Minister, Ministry of Energy Moderator: Andreea NEGRU, President, Association for the Development of Indigenous Entrepreneurship
Co-Moderator: Raluca-Andreea MISTIRIAN, AIEE member & student at the Faculty of Energy
14.30 (15.00) Invitation to Business Lunch / Networking
The event is held under the patronage of the National Energy Regulatory Authority – ANRE.
- The official partners are Hidroelectrica, Distributie Energie Electrică Romania – DEER and E.ON Romania.
- Platinum Partner is PNE.
- Gold Partners: Romgaz, Parapet, ABIEC, Transelectrica, Nyerges & Partners, Rompetrol, Electrica Furnizare.
- Silver partners: CEZ Romania, OX2, ACUE, Repom.
- Partners: Electrica, Alive Capital, Engie, Elcen, Delgaz Grid, RWEA, Coalition, Entera.
- Thanks for the support: Association of Power and Electric Engineers – AIE, AFEER, PATRES, ADAA, CNR – CME, HENRO, Voitin, EFdeN, RWEA, FEL Romania, Phoenix Training, Boof Media, FPPG, Asociația Energia Inteligentă.
- Media partners of the event are: Focus Energetic,, Financial Intelligence, NewsEnergy, Energy Center, Media Uno, The Diplomat Bucharest, Entrepreneur Club, Energy Hub, Govnet.
InvesTenergy will return, after the event, with the presentation of the debates and the Speakers’ statements, with VIDEO, on Also, the InvesTenergy Gala and the specialists who will be awarded within it will be presented, in a series of articles with VIDEO.